Jumping croc🐊 experience guide in NT: “I am all for protecting crocodiles, and I would love to get people to stop buying crocodile handbags, gloves, and even eat their meat etc. But I know I am a hypocrite😅 because I do the same with livestock. Therefore I know it is an emotionally charged opinion, and it is not a hill I will die on.”
The expression ‘hill to die on’ is a common saying that someone is heading into a reckless situation or about to take on a 🧐situation that is a metaphorical “suicide mission”. Or it means that someone is approaching a situation with unbeatable odds or something extremely unlikely to be successful🫣.
Lesson to learn –
- Pick your battles.
- You can make any decision you want, but you are not free of the consequences – Albert Einstein.
- The truth has no defence against a fool determined to believe a lie – Mark Twain.
- Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. The optimist created the aeroplane, and the pessimist the parachute – George Bernard Shaw.
Can you think of any lessons to add?